While the prospect of learning a new language might seem daunting or even mystifying, making an effort to pick up a few useful words and phrases should be a key part of your study planning process, whichever part of the world you're visiting.
Knowing how to say a few transportation in Chinese will get you far in a conversation.This article is meant as a starting point for beginners in terms of transportation to know about.The following are some common means of transportation.Hope these can help you!
1. Transportation in Chinese is 交通工具 jiāo tōng gōng jù
Here’s a list of common transportation in Chinese you should learn first.
English Hanzi Pinyin
Truck 卡车 kǎ chē
Police car 警车 jǐng chē
Fire car 消防车 xiāo fáng chē
Ambulance 救护车 jiù hù chē
Subway 地铁 dì tiě
Tram 有轨电车 yǒu guǐ diàn chē
Bus 公交车 gōng jiāo chē
Taxi 出租车 chū zū chē
Ferryboat 轮船 lún chuán
Sailboat 帆船 fān chuán
Kayak 皮划艇 pí huá tǐng
Yacht 游艇 yóu tǐng
Car 轿车 jiào chē
Sports car 跑车 pǎo chē
RV 房车 fáng chē
SUV 越野车 yuè yě chē
Airplane 飞机 fēi jī
Helicopter 直升机 zhí shēng jī
Train 火车 huǒ chē
High speed rail 高铁 gāo tiě
Bike 自行车 zì xíng chē
Electric power cart 电动车 diàn dòng chē
Tricycle 三轮车 sān lún chē
Motorcycle 摩托车 mó tuō chē
2. Sentence Structure
Subject + 坐 +Transportation + Verb (+ Object)
Let’s have a look at some examples, so you know how to use it in a sentence:
· 他坐地铁去上班。 · 她坐飞机去旅行。
· tā zuò dì tiě qù shàng bān. · tā zuò fēi jī qù lǚ xíng.
· He goes to work by subway. · She travels by plane.