Focus China (COVID-19)

COVID-19在中国何时发生?政府是怎样对待的?武汉封城的日子里,发生了什么?老百姓是如何消磨居家时光的?来自全国和全世界的援助有哪些?14亿人口怎样全民抗疫?中国的经验能给世界哪些帮助? 牺牲的医护和其他岗位上的工作人员需要我们深深铭记。这是一套催人泪下,又很有趣味的课程。欢迎您来参与。

Focus China (COVID-19)
Course Information

Why is Mianzi (Face) so important to the Chinese? What happens if you hurt your face? How can we skillfully "face" others? If you are interested in "face culture", why not come and listen!

Course Highlights

  • Take you to understand the culture in Chinese

Course Requirements

  • HSK level 5 or above or equivalent

Suitable Objects

  • People who want to learn Chinese and understand Chinese culture