5 Amazing Places to Visit in China (5)——Top1:The Great Wall of China



    The Great Wall, a military fortification in ancient China, is a tall, strong, and continuous long wall to limit the movement of enemy.


    The Great Wall is not only an ancient defense project with the longest construction time and the largest amount of engineering in the world, it has been continuously built for more than 2,000 years. It is distributed over the vast land in northern and central China, with a total length of 20,000 many kilometers. In 1987, UNESCO officially designated the Great Wall as a world cultural heritage, which proves that the historical, cultural and humanistic value of the Great Wall has been recognized by the world. The Great Wall belongs to both China and the world.


    Shanhaiguan is a famous pass of the Great Wall. Shanhaiguan, also known as Yuguan and Linluguan, is located 15 kilometers northeast of Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province. It is one of the northeastern passes of the Ming Great Wall. Shanhaiguan is known as one of the three wonders of the Great Wall of China.

·  尽量轻装上阵,爬长城是一件辛苦的事情。
·  选择适合户外的鞋子,运动鞋为主。
·  如果时间方便的话,可以考虑淡季出行,否则可能出现人挤人的现象。
·  准备一些食物和水。
·  注意安全。
   Visiting Instructions:
·  Try to travel as light as possible, climbing the Great Wall is a hard thing.
·  Choose shoes suitable for the outdoors, mainly sports shoes.
·  If the time is convenient, you can consider traveling in the off-season, otherwise there may be crowded people.
·  Prepare some food and water.
·  Pay attention to safety.


Here’s some details that’ll help make the trip a little easier.

·  Name in Chinese | 长城
   “I want to go to The Great Wall” | 我想去长城
·  Address in Mandarin | 中国北方

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